
Gran variedad de carnes asadas a la brasa
All types of meat prepared on a charcoal grill
Amplio y distinguido salón de celebraciones
Large and distinguished dining room
Ample parking - Parking amplio
Ctra. de Benahavis, km. 1,5 (frente a Atalaya Golf)
Reservations: 952 88 37 42
Open from Monday to Saturday from 19:00 hrs.
Abierto de Lunes a Sábado desde las 19:00 hrs.
Sábados y Domingos también abiertos al mediodía (hasta Junio)
Saturday and Sunday also open at noon - (until middle of June)

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Il Cantuccio, Marbella 952 77 04 92 - 616 599 533
Un lugar maravilloso, dónde degustar exquisiteses culinarias preparadas artesanalmente y en el momento por nuestra Cocinera Master Zen de Brigitta; no dejes de probar este rincón Gastrónomico en el Corazón del Casco Antiguo de Marbella.
Callejón Santo Cristo, 3
Marbella - Casco Antiguo
Tel: (+0034) 952 770 492 - Reservas
Miércoles Cerrado - Closed Wednesday
e-mail: cantuccio@tiscali.es
A Zen Restaurant in the Heart of Old Town Marbella, will delight you with a whole Home made bread and natural ingredients prepared and cooked in the moment that you choose what you want to have, however, our personal will explain all the main dishes and its ingredients, what should take with one or another..., I mean, they will treat you as king.
Callejón Santo Cristo, 3
Old Town - Marbella - Costa del Sol - Spain
CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY - e-mail: cantuccio@tiscali.es
Callejero con la Ubicación del Ristorante Il Cantuccio, Old Town Marbella
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